

Ohhh Bailey!  Bailey is a very special cat here at Smokey Acres.  He is our oldest living resident and came to us in 2007 when Smokey was alive and well.  Bailey’s story starts with an exceptional individual named Sharon Grigorian of Novi, Michigan. 
In 2007, Sharon was the proprietor of a pub in Canton, Michigan.  Over the years, she came to rescue countless cats that showed up by her dumpsters for food.  Sharon kindly converted the pub office into a foster facility so that she and her staff could rehabilitate and re-home multiple community cats.  She adopted and still has two of those cats with her at home.
When Sharon rescued Bailey, he was in awful shape.  As an unaltered male, he had been involved in multiple fights that left him with infected and seeping wounds all over his face, neck and shoulders.  Sharon brought Bailey to her veterinarians at Bloom Animal Hospital in Livonia, Michigan.  
Bailey tested positive for both FeLV and FIV leaving him with virtually no options.  Luckily, veterinary technician Breigh Duncan quickly called us to avoid euthanasia for Bailey.  Dr. Bloom generously offered to provide all veterinary services for Bailey at no cost so, that we could adequately service his needs.  Bailey has complicated but well controlled health conditions thanks to all the staff at the Bloom Animal Hospital.
Due to dental and digestive issues, Bailey has a permanent esophageal feeding tube which allows us to provide adequate nutrition, medications, and supplements.  He is comfortable and living happily with all his buddies.  We are very proud of Bailey who serves as an example of the long, high quality life made possible with extraordinary care.