Mr. Clean came to Smokey Acres in May 2017. He is a robust boy weighing in at over 17 lbs. with a very fluffy and thick white coat.
Mr. Clean was born on July 3, 2014 in a Dearborn, Michigan cat colony. Our good friend, Nadine Dochenetz with Providing for Paws, made sure that Mr. C was transferred from the colony to a foster home and ultimately to our sanctuary to safely enjoy the rest of his life.
Since joining us, Mr. Clean has made certain that we understand his desire to spend time outdoors with limited company. Like many of our boys, he was neutered late in life. Accordingly, he is acclimating slowly to a multi-cat environment shunning many of our current residents. Oddly, Mr. C immediately befriended our young feral kitten, Fred. Mr. Clean and Fred have decided that they love to hang out together in one of our outdoor pens. Since Mr. C is only FIV positive, he works well with our healthy feral cats. Mr. C and Fred are often observed sitting closely together as they gaze out over our rolling acres.